Texas Oncology South Austin Cancer Center

Service: Core Drilling, Wall Sawing, Concrete Removal
Completion: October 2011


Sawcut and remove 24” thick concrete for MRI table replacement in concrete vault. Existing MRI foundation was 48” thick. Bottom 24” of concrete was to remain. No breaking permitted in active oncology facility. All work performed at night in active oncology facility to accommodate normal business operations 7:00 am – 6:00 pm. Ribbon cut 24” deep
with wall saw and core drilled to eliminate overcuts in specific areas. Utilized porta power jacks in 3” dia core holes to snap 24” thick blocks of concrete for removal. Removed concrete with A-Frame and chain hoist.

Sawcut and remove 24” thick concrete for MRI table replacement in concrete vault Existing MRI foundation was 48” thick. Bottom 24” of concrete was to remain.